Preliminary classes (Currently in creation) March 24

Introduction to Euame Esuake (Iyami)

The purpose of this class will be to announce the Iyami through their new global title as Euame Esuake, emphasising clarity on their role and significance. Its Focus to moving beyond ownership and spiritual distortions, fostering a deeper understanding of their identity and purpose, while addressing misconceptions and patriarchal views.

Understanding the Dark Goddesses

Delve deeper into the nature and significance of the Dark Goddesses, who are kin to Euame Esuake. Dispelling misconceptions and biases surrounding these powerful goddesses, bringing them into the light, and challenging patriarchal views to reveal their true essence and importance in spirituality.

The Teachings of Pachamama (Andean Cosmology)

 To educate students on the teachings of Pachamama within Andean cosmology, emphasising interconnectedness, balance, and reciprocity. Focus: Raising awareness of the damage caused by human actions, promoting a deeper understanding of our relationship with the Earth, and highlighting the need for harmony and respect within ourselves and the planet.

The Levels of the Mystery School Begin


Socrates, renowned for his timeless wisdom, penned several profound quotes, among them: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing,” highlighting the humility in acknowledging the vast expanse of the unknown.

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance,” illuminating the intrinsic value of knowledge in navigating the complexities of life.

Yet, his most resonant aphorism is "KNOW THYSELF," a call to embark on the profound journey of self-discovery.

For students of the Path of Purity & Truth (POPT), this journey commences with introspection—delving into the depths of one's being to uncover the extent of knowledge beyond the confines of the physical and mental self. Here, the exploration of one's inherent abilities and the energies carried within the physical vessel unfolds. It's an exploration of blessings and challenges, under the overarching recognition of "I AM SOUL, I AM SPIRIT, I AM GOD'S CHILD." Moreover, this journey elucidates the intricacies of cause and effect, elucidating how our actions reverberate through the cosmic tapestry, leaving us susceptible to the influences of lower entities and energies.

This commencement mirrors the archetype of 'The Fool's Journey' in Tarot—a symbolic representation of the nascent adventurer's path, characterised by naivety and curiosity. Yet, as the journey unfolds, myriad lessons await, guiding the seeker towards enlightenment and self-awareness.

The Fool


Expanding the journey to explore humanity's early existence on Earth involves delving into the origins of human beings and the role of the elements in our creation, along with the etymology associated with them. Additionally, we examine the early Mystery Schools and the methods they employed to access hidden knowledge. This exploration also entails understanding how these Mystery Schools operated and the keys they utilized for unlocking esoteric wisdom. Furthermore, we begin to explore significant early and ancient histories of the Earth, unveiling the rich tapestry of civilizations and cultures that have shaped our collective story. Through this multifaceted exploration, we aim to uncover the roots of human existence, the mysteries of our past, and the keys to unlocking profound spiritual insights embedded within ancient wisdom traditions.


At this deeply personal level of the journey, students embark on a profound exploration of their origins and spiritual lineage. They are guided to uncover their destiny number, home planet, and the lineage they hail from, offering a deeper understanding of their cosmic identity and purpose. Through personalised correspondences and guidance, students learn how to establish communication with their Angels, Orisa, or lineage, gaining insight into their unique spiritual path and receiving support from celestial beings when needed. They are taught the sacred language of the universe, enabling them to navigate life's journey with clarity and wisdom.

At this pivotal stage, students undergo their first initiation, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual evolution and commitment to the path of self-discovery and enlightenment. This initiation serves as a catalyst for growth, empowering students to embrace their true essence and embody their divine potential as they continue their journey of awakening.


In Level Four of the journey, students delve deeper into the art of "SEE, KNOW, and BE" in the Golden Age, learning to wield divine power for the betterment of all. This stage focuses on applying the principles of the Mystery Schools, particularly those rooted in ancient civilizations such as Ireland, Egypt (Kemet), Albion (England), as well as the spiritual traditions of the Orisa and Dogon of West Africa.

Students are immersed in the sacred and alchemical practices of these ancient cultures, gaining a deeper understanding of the mystical arts and magical rituals that have been passed down through generations. They learn to harness the power of intention, visualization, and energy manipulation to manifest their desires and serve the greater good.Through rigorous study and practice, students unlock the secrets of ancient wisdom, honing their abilities to perceive hidden truths, access higher knowledge, and align with divine purpose. They are guided in integrating these teachings into their daily lives, embodying the principles of harmony, balance, and spiritual sovereignty.

Level Four represents a significant stage of initiation, where students are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the Golden Age and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. Through dedication, discipline, and reverence for the sacred, they emerge as stewards of divine wisdom, capable of bringing about positive transformation on both individual and planetary levels.


How to wield Divine power here on earth and mastering the platonic solids


Here we examine the Tree of Life from different perspectives. Especially via Shamanism, the Qabbalah and Ogham. Looking to establish how they correspond to the Aquarian Age and Golden Age.


Graduation Plus